Instruction to the Students

Instruction to the Students

  • Students must wear clean uniform, unsoiled socks and polished shoes:
  • They should keep their shirts properly tucked up.
  • They should march in an orderly manner and not run about the assembly grounds and disturb the peace and tranquillity of the campus.
  • Students should be punctual and be in their respective seats before the first bell when the attendance is marked. Late comers will be suitably dealt with.
  • Students should not absent themselves without prior leave application duly entered in the school diary signed by their parents and counter-signed by their respective class teachers. However in exceptional cases the diary with all the entries may be produced to the class teacher, when the student comes back to school.
  • All the students should conduct themselves inside and outside the school with dignity and in an exemplary manner. Courtesy requires that they should greet their members of the Management, Principal, Vice Principal and the Teachers whenever they happen to see them.
  • Students should stand up whenever the Secretary, The Principal, the voice principal, the members of the Management guest and other official enters their class and resume their seats only when asked to do so. They should similarly stand up and thank the dignitary when they leave the class.
  • Students should not indulge in or participate in any activities prejudicial to the aims and ideals of the school or any activities that bring disrepute to the school and the management.
  • The names of the students who absent themselves unauthorized for five days will be removed from the school attendance register.
  • No student should make any collection from the students without the knowledge and prior permission of the school authorities.
  • The students shall carry out all the instructions given to them with a sense of discipline.
  • The student is responsible for the care of his/her personal belongings. Expensive jewels or ornaments are totally banned and the school management takes no responsibility to their loss.
  • Parents or guardians are not allowed to meet their children or to speak to the teachers during school hours. All enquiries must be made at the school office.
  • The school accepts no responsibility if the student is obliged to return home during class hours for not wearing the school uniform, for not bringing books to class, for not producing the signature of the parents on remarks written by teachers on the absence record in the diary, for reason of indiscipline or for repeated late coming.
  • After the terminal examinations, the scripts of the students from VI to XII will be sent to the parents through their perusal and signature, and they should be returned within three days.
  • They should be prompt in submitting their report sheets and making all the payment due from them to the school.
    As the school is an English Medium School, the Students Must Speak with teachers and friends only in English. This instruction should be strictly followed.